Learning starts with listening

We are the first ever EdTech company to help every child achieve native competency in English in parallel with their local languages.

About us

We are the first ever EdTech company to help every child achieve native competency in English in parallel with their local languages.

  • Our Vision and Mission

    Every child is a citizen of the world with the natural right to understand and to be understood everywhere. Our mission is to make that happen.

  • Our Story

    We have been creating edutainment content for young learners since 1998. We have developed a proven methodology that helps children become fluent in English together with their local languages. We have implemented it with success in over 2,000 nurseries, kindergartens, and schools.

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What we do

The Bilingual Future programme promotes early English immersion on the widest possible social scale.

  • The Idea

    A common language can be the basis for shaping good relations between people and societies and guarantee a better future for all of us.

    Systematic, planned learning allows children to absorb the common language in parallel with their mother tongue and acquire native competency in both.

    Our effective materials and proven procedures can achieve this individually and on a broader social scale.
  • Universal Language

    English has become the primary language of international communication. It is currently the only language in the world with more non-native speakers than native speakers.

    Universal Values

    Each language is a carrier of the culture and traditions of its region. However, a common language should be built on universal values. Keeping this in mind, we have prepared the inclusive educational materials for the "Bilingual Future" Programme in a unique way. The "Baby Beetles" and "Tom and Keri" series are entirely 'neutral' worlds embedded in children’s imagination.
    "Rock English", which are in the process of creating, includes children in all the diversity of skin colours playing and cooperating in a neutral cityscape.

    Universal Content

    Respecting local diversity, and all second language skills, we build on universal content, including our extended version of STEAM, which is the STREAMS approach - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ROBOTICS, ENGINEERING, ART, MATHS and SOCIAL SKILLS.
How we do it

Research conducted in 2023 has proven our conviction that learning starts with listening.

We absorb the sounds of languages an astonishing three months before birth, and continue learning contextually every day after birth. The second language brings pure benefits for children which we can see as even as soon as they are seven months old.

We have implemented a system in which the second language is acquired on the same basis as the first: early, directly, and contextually.

The original language immersion method combines the OPOL (One Person, One Language) principle and the SPIRAL Language System (Sounds, Pictures, Interest, Repetition, Actions, Links).

Our specially-created characters speak only English, so children cannot associate them with any other language. The meanings of words and phrases are acquired directly from context. Appropriate music, animation, repetitions, and individual and group activities continually drive this process forward. The learning process is organised around a spiral structure, where every action is a logical consequence of the previous activities.

Where we do it

Our much-cherished idea of universal bilingualism naturally leads to the worldwide project which is universal bilingual education.

How it works

The Programme is based on three dedicated series:
“Baby Beetles”, “Tom and Keri”, and “Rock English”.
They come in the form of videos, songs, storybooks,
games, and contextual dictionaries.

Thanks to an intuitive portal, we enable, and support, and guide parents and early-stage teachers (both with and without qualifications to teach English) to immerse children in an English-speaking environment. Through fun group activities children and adults learn together.

A word from our lead author, Claire Selby.

  • Prestigious global awards
  • Implementation in almost
    all regions of Poland
  • 200,000+ families involved
  • 25 years of expertise
  • Three breakthrough
    R&D projects concerning
Bilingual Future for Ukraine

Read more about
the implementation

Country-wide Implementation

We are happy to announce that our Programme is in the process of being implemented across the whole of Ukraine. Follow us for more information, and see how we started universal bilingual education there.

Our Logo

A butterfly based on Lorenz attractor
known from weather forecasts

The butterfly effect describes how a small change in an interconnected world can have a huge effect on the whole system. Likewise, a small change in a child’s life, such as exposing them to another language, can have an immense impact on their entire life.

Evaluation, Recommendation
and Gamification

In the current version of the online portal, content recommendations follow a linear approach. The upcoming version takes a non-linear approach and the new portal has state-of-the-art recommendation and evaluation algorithms based on deep learning methods based on unique expertise from our R&D projects, including the TOLA GIMME ENGINE (TOtal LAnguage Game IMMErsion).

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Digital Natives Care

In the upcoming version, the game system plays a key role, including linguistic, terminological and problem-solving.

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We believe and apply the principle that
artificial intelligence is there to serve
human development.